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Love Behind the Law

By: Bro. Mars Catan

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” Matthew 5:17

He came to me in confidence to seek counsel. I have to admit that under other circumstances, I would probably not want to be associated with him. If his history were to be made known, it could impact his future in a negative way. I thank God for the grace to say a quick prayer, and ask Him what to do.


Pope Francis clearly expressed that his papacy would focus on God’s love and mercy. The

conclusion of the Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2016 does not imply a halt to mercy, but is more of a beginning, to extend God’s mercy and love to others. Jesus healed the blind man. He asked a tax collector to be a partner in ministry. He asked God to forgive those who persecuted Him. He accepted justice for the sin of mankind, conveying the infinite

mercy of God.


I laid my hand on the man and prayed with him. He repented of his sins, and sought a new heart from God. Today, he is a changed person, whose hope is in Jesus.

Dear Jesus, may I grow in understanding the spirit and love behind Your laws. Amen.


1 Comment

Apr 06, 2019

Amen. Lovely reminders :) Thank God!

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