We thank God for which makes available to the kingdom of God the time and e-space for the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ — to any and every person, place and country in the planet.
We therefore welcome all those who will enter our website and touch base with the living reality of God’s Word and work. May such contact bring salvation into the lives of those who are seeking for the truth that sets people free, certain answers to prayer, and for that healing that can come from God alone.
It is our prayer to the Almighty that becomes a continuing source of blessings to all our new and old friends on the Internet. May the fire of revival descend upon you all and your families, with spiritual gifts as well as material ones, all for the glory of God!
In His Service,
Bro Willy & Sis Luli Nakar
Founding Elders

One of the great innovations of the Second Vatican Council was its explicit recognition of the role of the laity in the life of the Church. One of the fruits of the Council, I believe, has been the raising up of many Lay Movements and Communities in the life of the Church. Elim Communities is one example and as the Spiritual Director of Elim, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to this website and pray that you will be spiritually edified as you read through the articles and watch the video presentations. Lay communities bring a different perspective to the understanding of the life of the Church and the way they live discipleship.
I hope and pray that you will all be as edified as I have been by the commitment, enthusiasm, drive for excellence in service and the zeal for the Kingdom of God in all its various facets that I have experienced over the many years I have been working with Elim Communities.
Fr Steve Tynan
Spiritual Director