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Koinonia - pronounced koy-nohn-ee-ah - is a Greek word that connotes sharing, unity, close association, partnership, participation, a communion, a fellowship, contributory help, the brotherhood. Koinonia is a unity brought about by the Holy Spirit. In Koinonia, the individual shares in common an intimate bond of fellowship with the rest of the Christian society. Koinonia cements believers to the Lord Jesus and to each other.
The Koinonia Group is the basic cell group in the life of Elim Communities. Whereas Elim dwellers come together as one body during Elim Gathering or other major events, the KG brings together committed Elim dwellers into smaller groups.
Each group consists of a facilitator and up to 12 members. Group assignments take the following into consideration: sex (males with males; females with females), civil status, age and profession.
Regular Elim dwellers who desire a deeper life in community may apply for a Koinonia Group. Signing up signifies the applicant’s desire to grow in Elim’s way of life, embracing its norms and charisms, and the willingness to be subject to the pastoral guidance of a facilitator.
The Koinonia Group exists for five chief purposes:
1. Unity
Elim dwellers are primarily brought together in smaller groups in order to enhance their own personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ and their love for one another. In the process of sharing God’s Word, praying together and engaging in fellowship, members help build a community of love that is of “one heart and one mind.
2. Discipleship
Through the guidance of a facilitator, members are shepherded in their life of faith and in the community’s way of life. Members receive counsel and pastoral care, and are challenged to grow in the virtues of humility, obedience and faithfulness and to love as Jesus loves.
3. Sharing
Sharing with one another is the Koinonia Group lifestyle. The group comes together at least once a week to share on the Word of God, and in the process, their burdens, struggles and victories. Members of the KG embrace the fact that they are their brother’s keeper (Gen 4:9) and that they are to help carry one another’s burdens (Gal 6:2). Consequently, the problem of one is the problem of all and all the members, in prayer and action, strive together to seek proper solutions in the Lord.
4. Building Relationships
“This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another, (John13:35). In a Koinonia Group, members are brought together in an environment of love, where they grow in their relationships as brothers or sisters in the Lord and as friends. As they grow deeper in the bond of love and unity, they learn to accept one another despite faults and flaws, become more transparent with one another and grow in trust and fidelity.
5. Kindness Evangelism
Shared reach out experiences knit a group together and raise the level of spiritual health in each group member’s life. Thus, each Koinonia Group has a project geared on evangelism. Community-building projects, neighborhood fellowships, works of mercy, socio-civic assistance, peer-to-peer ministry, direct evangelism missions and other related reach out projects are undertaken to help build the greater Body of Christ and to proclaim the Good News.

The Pathways is a renewal seminar whereby participants are given the opportunity to have a special, life-changing encounter with God. It is a venue where they begin to take the first steps in a new and personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, and is an introduction to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit through Elim Communities.

The Elim Discipleship Institute (EDI) is Elim Communities’ training center for Christian discipleship, service and leadership. It is dedicated to combining action learning with quality instruction based on Gospel values, and aims to produce well-trained disciples of Jesus Christ who will make a difference in today’s world.
To help raise an army of well-trained disciples of Jesus Christ who will impact the world through prayer, Christian witness and mission-oriented service.
To see to the integrated and systematic formation of the dwellers, servants and servant-leaders of Elim Communities through:
Teaching biblical Christianity.
Training in the Elim way of life, service and missions
Action learning, a combination of Christian instruction and practical application