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One Touch

By: Bro. Jef Falcis

 Everything seemed to be going the wrong way. The prolonged season of dryness was taking its toll on me. All I could see was a dark, hopeless void. I asked the Lord, “When will Your truth be real in my life?” I was constantly pleading with Him, waiting for a great miracle a serious turn of events. But none came, only one line — a line from a song through the car’s radio: “Natutulog ba ang Diyos?” (“Does God sleep?”) When I heard that, I felt every chain of heaviness released; I felt so free! Suddenly, there was hope shining in my horizon.

In our reading today, people went out to seek Jesus and had this amazing faith that all they needed was to touch even just the hem of His garment, and they would be made whole. For me, as I touched Him with my pleading prayers, Jesus touched me through one line of a song. I encourage you to release your faith and open yourself; His touch can make you whole.

Lord, You are my hope. As I reach out to You, touch me and make me whole. Amen.


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Apr 06, 2019


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